Implementation Plan for Wildlife Mitigation Measures

Project #: 425569
Start Date: 05/15/2004
End Date: 03/31/2006
Status: Completed

WTI identified high risk deer-vehicle collision zones, road and landscape variables associated with high risk zones, and habitat linkage zones to focus highway mitigation for wildlife along MT Highway 83


The Seeley-Swan Valley in northwestern Montana is part of the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE) and home to rare and endangered species such as grizzly bear (Ursus arctos), Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus). The valley is bisected by US Highway 83, a road known for its great number of animal-vehicle collisions, especially with white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). For some species such as the grizzly bear, the road is also considered a barrier to their movements between the wilderness and multiple use forest areas on either side of the road. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) would like to take a proactive approach and reduce the number of animal vehicle collisions on Highway 83. At the same time, MDT would like to improve habitat connectivity and reduce the barrier effect of the road for selected species. The purpose of the proposed project is to produce a concrete implementation plan for mitigation measures aimed at reducing animal vehicle collisions and improving habitat connectivity for selected specie along Highway 83. Input and feedback from natural resource management organizations and the local community characterize this proposal. It is aimed at producing an effective implementation plan that has broad support from natural resource management agencies as well as the local community.


The objective is to produce an implementation plan for wildlife mitigation measures along highway 83 in the Seeley-Swan Valley, Montana. The plan is to address animal-vehicle collisions, especially with white-tailed deer, and should maintain or improve habitat connectivity for selected species.


  • Marcel Huijser
    Marcel Huijser