International Travel to Support Collaboration with the European Traffic Safety Culture Project (TraSaCu)

Project #: 4W5456
Start Date: 07/01/2015
End Date: 06/30/2018
Status: Completed

The Center for Health and Safety Culture (CHSC) has been invited to participate in a European project (TraSaCu) comprised of nine European countries to study traffic safety culture. This project is very relevant to the Traffic Safety Culture Pooled Fund project led by WTI in several respects.  TraSaCu is seeking to accomplish the following:

1. Define and develop a framework to measure and analyze traffic safety culture.

2. Compare countries in terms of cultural factors that impact traffic safety performance.

3. Understand the influence of traffic safety culture on individual road users behaviors.

4. Develop strategies to transform traffic safety culture.

5. Establish a website to integrate and share knowledge about traffic safety culture.

As part of the TraSaCu project, several researchers from the participating European institutions will be visiting WTI/CHSC to collaborate on this research. This project will facilitate internation peer exchange by CHSC researchers, which  will support the development and exchange of new knowledge about traffic safety culture.



The objective of this project is to promote and facilitate international peer exchange on the topic of traffic safety culture.


  • Nic Ward
    Nic Ward