Investigation of Alternative Deicers for Snow and Ice Control

Project #: 4w6403
Start Date: 10/06/2016
End Date: 12/31/2017
Status: Completed

Currently, chloride based deicers and anti-icers are the most commonly used products for snow and ice control operations, due to their ease of use, low initial cost, and working temperature ranges. However, over time, chloride-based products can have negative impacts to the near-road environment, and corrosion impacts to infrastructure.  At this time, there are non-chloride based products available for snow and ice control, but they are not as commonly used on roads.

The goal of this project is to identify alternative deicers to chlorides for snow and ice control operations, with a specific focus on potassium acetate and succinate. The products will be assessed to determine if they allow transportation agencies to meet their defined level of service standards, are cost competitive, and have fewer impacts to the environment and infrastructure. This project will directly support on-going work funded by MnDOT/LRRB titled Field Usage of Alternatives Deicers for Snow and Ice Control. To support and build off of this work, this project will aid in the literature review portion of the project, and then conduct laboratory testing of selected deicing products for comparison of performance to sodium chloride based deicers and anti-icers.


The goal of this project is to identify alternative deicers to chlorides for snow and ice control operations, with a specific focus on potassium acetate and succinate.


  • Laura Fay
    Laura Fay