ITD Media Messages and Tools Pilot Implementation

Project #: 4W4244
Start Date: 10/01/2012
End Date: 06/30/2015
Status: Completed

The final report describes implementation of the pilot project in Idaho, which involved a media campaign used in three communities to increase engagement by bystanders to prevent someone from drinking and driving. Various forms of media (including television, radio, and print) were created to support the “Courageous voices create safe roads” theme. Written, mailed surveys of random households in the three communities were conducted before and after the campaign. Surveys from across the state provided a comparison group. Media was placed in the communities for about 12 months. Surveys showed positive, statistically significant changes in beliefs targeted by the media in the pilot communities and no changes across the state. No changes in behaviors or alcohol-related crashes were measured. Local stakeholders from the three communities were provided training in the approach. Recommendations for future efforts are provided.


The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has developed a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) to identify high risk crash types and propose cost-effective safety interventions. As a part of this strategy, lTD has identified Run-Off-The-Road (ROR) crashes as a significant traffic safety problem. Many of the crashes were related to impaired driving. In order to address this problem, lTD engaged the Center for Health and Safety Culture, Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University to work with lTD to use a science-based process developed with over 20 years of research and outcomes to develop an evidence-based social marketing campaign to reduce single vehicle ROR crashes. The Center for Health and Safety Culture seeks to transform culture around a variety of health and safety issues including ROR crashes. Phase 1 of this project has been completed and included: identification of target audience and risk behaviors; listing of single-vehicle ROR interventions; recommendations of media campaign and grass roots programs, and recommendations of evaluation tools.

This project consists of a Phase 2 pilot project to identify and recruit key stakeholders from three participating communities to engage in the Positive Community Norms (PCN) training and to implement media messaging. Planned deliverables include PCN Implementation trainings; community surveys, ready-to-use presentations, and development and placement of local-based media.


The purpose of this project is to implement a traffic safety pilot project in Idaho based on the Positive Community Norms approach.


  • Jay Otto
    Jay Otto