Last Mile Commercial Package Delivery as a Revenue Generation Tool for Rural Public Transportation Systems in Wyoming

Project #: 4W6197
Start Date: 07/01/2016
End Date: 08/31/2017
Status: Completed

The goal of this project is to assess the feasibility of last mile package delivery as a revenue generation tool for rural public transportation systems in Wyoming. The objectives are:

1. Understand the impact of technologies and innovative last mile package delivery systems and how rural public transportation systems may have a role in the process.

2. Synthesize current the last mile package delivery practices in public transportation systems in rural states.

3. Analyze policies of states regarding the use of public transportation for package delivery.

4. Estimate demand, capacity need, and revenue generation for rural transit systems in regard to last mile package delivery.

The project will include a literature review, data collection, surveys, informal interviews, policy and plan analysis, and statistical analysis.



The goal of this project is to assess the feasibility of last mile package delivery as a revenue generation tool for rural public transportation systems in Wyoming, which will include exploring the impact of technologies and innovative last mile package delivery systems, and how rural public transportation systems may have a role in the process.


  • Jaydeep Chaudhari
    Jaydeep Chaudhari