MDT Special Event Planning Synthesis

Project #: 4W5231
Start Date: 12/01/2014
End Date: 02/29/2016
Status: Completed

The final report includes finding from the literature review, MDT current practice assessment and local agency survey. For example, the local agency survey revealed a number of common challenges for special event organizers:
• Securing resources to comply with traffic control requirements;
• Finding certified flaggers to conduct traffic control;
• Enforcing parking and traffic management for large events; and
• Many events require organizers to submit both a city and MDT permit application.
Local stakeholders also shared many common best practices, including:
• Joint, coordinated advance planning and traffic management involving organizers, local government, MDT, and law enforcement;
• Public notification in advance of event;
• Traveler information signage and services (day of event);
• Parking and transportation alternatives (park and ride lots, shuttles, etc.);
• Use of experienced traffic management firm for traffic control; and
• Post-event reviews and evaluations to improve event management.

The final report also includes recommendations for MDT to consider to facilitate special event planning.


Planned special events include sporting events (including university game days), concerts, festivals, country fairs, and conventions occurring at mostly permanent venues such as arenas, stadiums, racetracks, fairgrounds, convention centers, university campuses, etc. which draw large crowds and have an impact (e.g., congestion and delay) on the limited capacity of a transportation network built for daily traffic. The communities in Montana host a variety of special events throughout the year, all over the state, and although the communities in Montana are small urban and rural, they are no exception to the travel demand a special event places on the transportation network, such as those traveling to the event, those providing services for the event, and the day-to-day traffic using the adjoining roadways. To alleviate some of the transportation challenges that a special event causes, local and state governments generally adopt special event traffic management strategies to improve transportation options, to manage transportation resources, and to communicate with the traveling public.


Montana has been successful in implementing special event travel demand management strategies for both small scale and large scale events (e.g., MetraPark in Billings, MSU Bozeman, and University of Montana, among others). However, the traffic management practices have typically been done on a case-by-case basis and have not been documented for adaptation and use by other communities around Montana. Through this project, WTI will assist the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) in documenting existing special event management practices in Montana, identifying the best management practices used across the U.S. that are applicable to Montana, and providing MDT and local governments with recommendations for implementing traffic management strategies for special events.



The purpose of this project is for the Western Transportation Institute (WTI) to assist the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) in documenting existing special event management practices in Montana, identifying the best management practices used across the U.S. that are applicable to Montana, and providing MDT and local governments with recommendations for implementing traffic management strategies for special events.


  • Jaime Sullivan
    Jaime Sullivan