Mobile Communication Briefcase – UTC

Project #: 4W1746
Start Date: 07/01/2007
End Date: 06/30/2011
Status: Completed

Data communication in rural areas presents numerous challenges for both fixed and mobile deployment. At present, department of transportation staff either have no equipment for data communication in these areas, or have separate, redundant equipment for multiple service providers. The Mobile Communication Briefcase project will produce and test a system which will consist of integrated cellular radios/modems, networking equipment (switch/router/bridge), GPS, and associated antennas, power, connectors, etc. The communication briefcase will provide, in a small and portable form, a communications platform that will be of general use for transportation applications and related research in both rural and urban settings. This project dovetails nicely with past, present and anticipated future work by WTI and the Systems Engineering groups specifically on transportation-related communications systems for a broad spectrum of applications (e.g., traveler information systems, communications with traffic management centers, first-responder communications, data collection from remote sensors, communications in remote areas, security communications, etc.). It will allow the project team to extend research beyond existing projects and provide a beneficial tool and experience for future research in addition to addressing UTC strategic goals of safety and global connectivity.


The general goal of the project is to determine if a mobile communications briefcase system is viable using an open architecture and Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) equipment.


  • Doug Galarus
    Doug Galarus