Mobility Mindset of Millennials in Small Urban and Rural Areas (SURLC)

Project #: 4W5346
Start Date: 01/01/2015
End Date: 02/28/2017
Status: Completed

The Millennial Generation, Americans born between the years of 1983 and 2000, are now the largest generation in the United States.  This generation has significantly different lifestyle and transportation trends than previous generations which is leading to the need for change in transportation policy and planning. Several recent studies have been conducted in urban areas to identify the lifestyle and transportation trends of Millennials and how these trends affect transportation. However, no studies have been done in rural and small urban areas, therefore leaving a gap in understanding if the same preferences and viewpoints exist for Millennials living in these communities.  Conducting a similar study in small urban and rural areas is necessary as significant differences exist between urban and rural/small urban areas. Differences including population density, transportation infrastructure, and technology infrastructure in a rural and small urban area may also affect the Millennial lifestyle and transportation needs and preferences (and certainly affect what is available to them).

The objective of this proposed research project is to understand whether Millennials in small urban and rural communities have the same mobility and livability mindset as those in large cities. The research approach includes stakeholder engagement, a literature review, a survey, and an analysis of the collected data.


The objective of this proposed research project is to understand whether Millennials in small urban and rural communities have the same mobility and livability mindset as those in large cities.