Portable TMC-TMS Communications Demonstration – UTC

Project #: 4W2032
Start Date: 03/01/2008
End Date: 06/30/2009
Status: Completed

Data communication between a TMC and TMS in rural areas across the country presents numerous challenges for both fixed and mobile deployment. At present, transportation staff must conduct extensive design and development to build out their communication systems. The research and development conducted in this project will result in a system that could potentially save transportation staff time and effort. The specific objectives of this project are to: 1) Identify preferred communications technologies for demonstration purposes. 2) Acquire and integrate preferred communications components with the WTI/CE ITS trailers. This will include adapting equipment and technology already in WTI’s possession in addition to acquiring and integrating new equipment. 3) Design a realistic demonstration suitable for rapid, portable deployment. 4) Conduct a demonstration for Caltrans and other DOT technical representatives. 5) Document the system and applications that were demonstrated. 6) Post the design/blueprints of the system in accord with open system/open source practices via wiki or other similar outlet.


The general goal of the project is to present to Caltrans/other DOT technical staff a number of new, viable alternatives for TMC-TMS communications in a (semi-) realistic, portable demonstration environment using real ITS equipment. The primary outcome of the project is the demonstration, with the system itself and associated documentation as related deliverables.


  • Doug Galarus
    Doug Galarus