Preventive Maintenance Treatments: A Synthesis of Highway Practice

Project #: 4W0447
Start Date: 05/15/2005
End Date: 10/31/2006
Status: Completed

With millions of dollars being spent each year to maintain nearly 24,000 lane-miles of pavement in Montana, it is critical to know the effectiveness of maintenance techniques, given climate and traffic conditions. Although studies have been conducted to evaluate timely and cost-effective treatments, it is not known how these treatments enhance or extend pavement performance under Montana’s climate, traffic loads, and soil conditions. This project will result in the review and synthesis of past and present research data, identifying the adequacy of existing data and methodologies in terms of: 1) establishing appropriate preventive maintenance treatments, 2) evaluating the effectiveness of these treatments, and 3) examining the reported life-cycle cost of various alternatives.


Identify existing and emerging technologies that could be used to enhance or replace current pavement maintenance approaches used by the Montana Department of Transportation.


  • Eli Cuelho
    Eli Cuelho