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Public Transportation Business Development Plan for Grand Teton National Park

Project #: 4W1257
Start Date: 09/29/2006
End Date: 06/01/2009
Status: Completed

A 2001 transportation study addressing issues in Grand Teton National Park identified actions that would improve traffic and mobility within the park. A public transportation system could be a major factor in addressing many of the issues identified in the study. To determine whether a public transportation system should be implemented, it is necessary to develop a Public Transportation Business Development Plan for the park, which is what this project will accomplish. The plan will determine whether public transportation is a viable mode of transportation in and around the park. If transit is viable, the plan will address service factors such as the area to be serviced, origins and destinations, schedule; and operating issues such as equipment needs and funding opportunities.


To develop a Public Transportation Business Development Plan for Grand Teton National Park


  • David Kack
    David Kack