Recruitment and Retention of Highway Maintenance Workers

Project #: 4W8277
Start Date: 02/06/2020
End Date: 01/31/2021
Status: Completed

State departments of transportation (DOTs) and local public works departments (DPW) are grappling with recruiting, retaining and training a highly proficient roadway maintenance workforce.   Agencies, including Human Resources professionals and entity executives and governance officials, need to implement constructive measures now to better compete for candidates and to increase retention of capable, competent employees.  At the same time, agencies must collaborate with academia, professional organizations, unions and others to create a “pipeline” of future workers beginning at least at the junior-high school level and progressing to technical schools, apprenticeships, and certificate and associate degree programs at community colleges.


The goal of this project is to produce a concise, comprehensive guide of innovative but practical ways for DOTs/ DPWs to recruit and retain a highly proficient, productive, versatile and committed roadway maintenance workforce.  This information should help agencies “make the case” with decision-makers and the public as to feasible measures to attract, keep, and improve a reliable, capable workforce.  As part of this effort, the research team will seek to document the following information:

  • Compile from surveys, interviews and document research the various job titles, grade levels and pay ranges used by these agencies
  • Compile benefits (insurance, paid leave, flex-time, retirement programs, etc.) offered by the agencies.
  • Determine how many agencies by type (State, local) are unionized
  • Determine the current shortage of road maintenance workers
  • Determine the 2-5 year expected retirement rate of current workers
  • Define the challenges/ difficulties encountered in recruiting qualified candidates
  • Identify reasons why workers are leaving other than retirement
  • What are reasons why other workers remain

The project is sponsored by the Clear Roads research program.


The objective of this project is to produce a concise, comprehensive guide of innovative but practical ways for DOTs/ DPWs to recruit and retain a highly proficient, productive, versatile and committed roadway maintenance workforce.