Redding Responder, Phase 2

Project #: 4W1092
Start Date: 06/15/2006
End Date: 12/31/2009
Status: Completed

The Responder System integrates hardware, software, and communications to provide incident responders, particularly those in remote rural areas, with a structured, easy to use means for collection and digital communication of incident information. The Responder pilot deployment has been developed with an emphasis on ease of use and usability. Phase 2 will continue to emphasize these attributes with a goal of enabling virtually all prospective responders to use the system with minimal training and assistance. In Phase 2, the WTI Project Team will assist Caltrans in developing a business case to determine whether and how to proceed with full deployment. WTI will evaluate hardware to reduce the size of equipment and to “harden” the system for use in extreme heat and cold. Software will be finalized to accommodate hardware updates and to increase usability and robustness of the system. The system will then be installed in vehicles for testing by several crews over one to two months during a time period in which incidents and usage are most likely to occur. The system will be evaluated under real use situations with criteria including ease of use, usefulness and reliability.


To evaluate and prepare for full corporate deployment of the Responder System, an at-scene incident information collection, sharing, and incident support information framework for remote rural areas.


  • Doug Galarus
    Doug Galarus