Reliability and Meta-Analyses of the Effectiveness of Animal Detection Systems in Reducing Vehicle Speed and Collisions with Large Mammals

Project #: 4W5839
Start Date: 10/01/2015
End Date: 12/31/2017
Status: Completed

In order to reduce the number of animal-vehicle collisions, animal detection systems need to detect animals reliably, and influence driver behavior so that drivers avoid collisions.  Widespread implementation of animal detection systems in hindered by numerous factors, including lack of well-designed studies that evaluate system reliability and effectiveness, scarcity of peer-reviewed publications, absence of standards for system reliability and effectiveness, and absence of clear overall data on system effectiveness.

This project will include the following activities to enhance available research on animal detection systems:

  • Conduct extensive data collection on the reliability and effectiveness of an animal detection system in Boundary County, Idaho, including under harsh conditions for electronic equipment and relatively dangerous driving conditions (low temperatures, snow, ice)
  • Submit a paper on the reliability of animal detection systems, the effect of environmental conditions on system reliability and suggested minimum norms to a peer-reviewed journal
  • Conduct meta-analysis to investigate the overall effectiveness of animal detection systems  in reducing vehicle speed and collisions with large mammals.
  • Submit a paper on the meta-analyses to a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Present results to an international conference.

This purpose of this project is to enhance available research on animal detection systems and expand technology transfer of the findings.


  • Marcel Huijser
    Marcel Huijser