Rest Area Survey

Project #: 290568
Start Date: 07/01/1998
End Date: 11/30/1998
Status: Completed

The Montana Department of Transportation, Planning Division is undertaking a three-phase effort to determine (1) current rest area conditions and services, (2) the needs and expectations of rest area users, and (3) appropriate planning guidelines to better direct rest area improvements and resources. This report documents the results of the second of these three phases (i.e., determining the needs and expectations of rest area users in Montana).To date, the Montana Department of Transportation has never performed a public opinion survey that comprehensively addresses rest area issues such as condition, location and amenities. Previous survey efforts have included questions about overall satisfaction with rest areas. However, other than indicating a potential need for improvement (i.e., if satisfaction ratings were low), this information provides little information to support planning efforts.BenefitsIn accomplishing the above objectives, this effort served to:· gauge the overall level of public satisfaction with respect to rest areas, as well as target specific areas (e.g., condition of signing, cleanliness) in need of improvement;· segment rest area users on the basis of their opinion-based responses to allow for better targeting of marketing efforts, informational campaigns, etc.;· support the development of the updated Long-range Rest Area Plan; and· fulfill the MDT, Planning Division mission of including public input into transportation planning and decision-making.In the long-term, information obtained from the user survey, in combination with other information, will aid MDT planners and policy makers in establishing priorities and allocating resources for future rest area improvements in Montana.


The overall goal of this effort was twofold: (1) to obtain information related to the needs and expectations of rest area users in Montana that may later be directly incorporated into rest area planning efforts, and (2) to support the MDT, Planning Division mission “to provide ways for interested citizens and stakeholders to obtain information and provide input into transportation planning and decision-making.


  • Jerry Stephens
    Jerry Stephens