Review of Car Sharing Services in Small Urban and Rural Communities

Project #: 4W6085
Start Date: 05/16/2016
End Date: 09/30/2016
Status: Completed

Car sharing is defined as a short-term car rental, typically for only a few hours. Car sharing services are often found in large metropolitan areas, and are attractive to people who have only the occasional need for a vehicle. The people who use car sharing services typically use alternative modes (walking, biking, transit) for most of their transportation needs. Car sharing services can also be used to support alternative mode programs, as they make cars available to someone who typically uses a van pool or transit to commute. Zipcar and Car2Go are just some of the car sharing services in the United States.  The purpose of this project is to conduct a basic review of car sharing services in the U.S., with a particular emphasis on car sharing services in small urban and rural areas, especially those areas associated with a college or university.



The purpose of this project is to conduct a basic review of car sharing services in the U.S., with a particular emphasis on car sharing services in small urban and rural areas, especially those areas associated with a college or university.


  • Rob Ament
    Rob Ament