Road Dust Institute Development and Website

Project #: 4W3754
Start Date: 07/01/2011
End Date: 08/31/2012
Status: Completed

Dust control is a major challenge for transportation agencies that manage the estimated 1.6 million miles of unpaved roads in the United States. This dust can contribute to impaired visibility for drivers, reduced roadway longevity, reduced vehicle life, and environmental health issues. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, road dust is a major source of particulate matter in the atmosphere. Presently, there is no focused source of information to help transportation agencies understand and address road dust-related issues. In 2010, following a successful Road Dust Management and Future Needs Conference (2008) and Road Dust Survey and Scan Tour (2010), WTI began preparations for the organization of a Road Dust Institute, in partnership with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; the University of California, Davis; the University of Alaska and the Alaska University Transportation Center (AUTC), and the Federal Highway Administration’s Central Federal Lands Highway Division. The Dust Institute will collect, store, and distribute information; discuss challenges and needs; and conduct research related to road dust. This project, sponsored by AUTC, incorporates tasks to develop the Institute and its website. Activities will include development of strategic, business, and marketing plans; partnership outreach; and initial development of website structure and content.


The goal of this project is to develop a Road Dust Institute and create a website for storing and disseminating research.


  • Eli Cuelho
    Eli Cuelho
  • Laura Fay
    Laura Fay