Rural Transportation Issues: Research Roadmap

Project #: 4W7391
Start Date: 08/30/2018
End Date: 10/08/2019
Status: Completed

Cover NCHRP Rural Transportation Issues Research RoadmapThe final report for this project can be found on the National Academies website at the following link:


The objectives of the research are to identify critical rural transportation issues that can be addressed by research through NCHRP and other research programs; produce a Research Roadmap; and submit at least five Problem Statements drawn from the Research Roadmap that are appropriate for consideration for NCHRP funding in the future. The intent of the Research Roadmap is to assist state departments of transportation and other public agencies and help inform policy–driven investment decisions.

The WTI team will conduct the research needed to create the Research Roadmap. This effort will culminate in an Interim Report and an in-person Presentation with the AASHTO Special Committee on Research and Innovation. Phase I tasks will included an Environmental Scan, Literature Review & Gap Analysis , Workshop , Interim Report, and AASHTO Presentation.  Phase II tasks will include a TRB Workshop, Final Report and Updated Presentation.


The objectives of the research are to identify critical rural transportation issues that can be addressed by research through NCHRP and other research programs; produce a Research Roadmap; and submit at least five Problem Statements drawn from the Research Roadmap that are appropriate for consideration for NCHRP funding in the future.


  • Jaime Sullivan
    Jaime Sullivan