Safe Routes to Schools

Project #: 4W2903
Start Date: 11/02/2009
End Date: 06/30/2010
Status: Completed

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) manages the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program in response to 2005 federal legislation that provides Federal funding to each state to encourage children to walk and bike to school. Montana receives approximately $1 million for SRTS annually, of which up to 70% may be allocated to infrastructure projects and 30% is allocated to non-infrastructure projects. Examples of infrastructure projects include sidewalk improvements, traffic calming measures, and off-street bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Examples of non-infrastructure improvements include public awareness campaigns, incentive programs such as mileage clubs, increased traffic enforcement near schools, and educational sessions for students. MDT allocates the funding to eligible community-based projects. Taylor Lonsdale of the Western Transportation Institute will implement and coordinate the “Safe Routes to School Program” on behalf of MDT. Specifically, Mr. Lonsdale will serve as the liaison between the program and local communities. The overall local process will likely include: increasing stakeholder awareness (schools, school districts, Montana Association of Counties, League of Cities & Towns, Tribal Governments, Parent/Teacher groups, health promotion groups, etc), assessment and prioritization of needs, selection of solutions (list possible solutions, cost/benefit analysis, final selection), implementation of solutions, and evaluation of program efficacy.


Through this project, Taylor Lonsdale, PE will serve as the state of Montana’s “Safe Routes to School” Coordinator on behalf of the Montana Department of Transportation. This program aims to encourage active and healthy lifestyles by increasing the number of children in grades K through 8 who walk and bike to school.


  • Taylor Lonsdale
    Taylor Lonsdale