Science and Engineering Integrated Research Facility for Human Factors in Rural Traffic Safety

Project #: 4W2462
Start Date: 11/20/2008
End Date: 12/31/2013
Status: Completed

The treatment of traffic fatalities as a rural public health issue must focus on the driver, given that most crashes are the result of driver impairment or high-risk driving behavior (Evans 1991). Examining rural crash risk factors, it is possible to develop human-centered and culturally sensitive programs to improve traffic safety in rural America. The purpose of this grant is to establish research capabilities based on integration of facilities including driving simulator, test track experiments, and field studies. The development and integration of these facilities at Montana State University (MSU) are intended to support a research program on rural traffic safety.


The purpose of this project is to better understand and address driver–related factors in rural traffic fatalities by expanding capabilities of WTI’s current research facilities. Through a grant awarded by the M. J. Charitable Trust, WTI will instrument a vehicle fleet for naturalistic studies of rural traffic safety human factors and field tests of rural traffic safety interventions.


  • Laura Stanley
    Laura Stanley