Sharing the Roads to Federal Lands

Project #: 4W5921
Start Date: 02/11/2016
End Date: 09/25/2017
Status: Completed

The Oregon Scenic Bikeways Program currently has 14 designated Bikeways that include state, county and federal roads open to the public. As this program continues to gain interest, land management agencies and transportation agencies face pressures to support bikeway designation while acknowledging deteriorating pavement conditions, decreased road funding, and potential vehicle/ bicycle conflicts.

The purpose of this research is to develop guidance that can be used by land management agencies – in addition to transportation agencies when considering bikeway designations to reduce liability concerns and improve safety for people biking and driving on shared roads. While Oregon’s Scenic Bikeway program was the catalyst for this research, shared use on rural roads is an issue across the United States, and this work will have national benefits.


The purpose of this research is to develop guidance that can be used by land management agencies – in addition to transportation agencies when considering bikeway designations to reduce liability concerns and improve safety for people biking and driving on shared roads.


  • Rebecca Gleason
    Rebecca Gleason