Small Town and Rural Street Guide

Project #: 4W5227
Start Date: 09/01/2014
End Date: 06/30/2017
Status: Completed

Report cover for Small Town and Rural Multimodal Network Guidebook - FHWAThe USDOT Federal Highway Administration has released “Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks,” a report based on this project.  The report is intended to provide ideas and guidance to small towns and rural communities who wish to enhance active travel networks for modes such as bicycling and walking.  The guide also provides innovative examples of successful projects that are applicable to rural communities.

View more details about this project on the SURLC website


The Small Urban and Rural Livability Center at WTI collaborated with Alta Planning + Design (Alta) and the National Association of Counties (NACO) to develop and distribute a “Guidebook” related to cycling and pedestrian infrastructure for small towns and rural areas.  The guide was developed by researching key implementation challenges, conducting stakeholder engagement, researching design practices, and developing case studies. 



The purpose of this project is to develop a guidebook related to cycling and pedestrian infrastructure for small towns and rural areas.


  • Taylor Lonsdale
    Taylor Lonsdale
  • Rebecca Gleason
    Rebecca Gleason