Small Urban & Rural Livability Center (SURLC)

Project #: 4W4660
Start Date: 10/01/2013
End Date: 09/30/2018
Status: Completed

Livability is often thought of as an issue for large urban areas. Much of the national discussion on livability has revolved around light rail, transit-oriented design, highdensity housing, and other elements with a distinctly metropolitan focus. Finding creative ways to connect underserved populations to essential services must also be researched and promoted in small urban and rural areas. However, many of the metropolitan principles of livability (such as light rail or trolley services) are not directly transferable to small urban and rural areas. Also, livability in small urban and rural areas can vary significantly depending on population growth patterns and local context.

This project created the Small Urban and Rural Livability Center. Its purpose is to conduct research and provide leadership, education, workforce development and technology transfer in all aspects of livability, focusing specifically on small urban and rural areas. The Center is a federally designated University Transportation Center, under the USDOT’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R), designed to foster livable communities through policies and investments that expand transportation choices, access, and services.
View the website for SURLC at


The objective of this project was to create a University Transportation Center charged with conducting research and providing leadership, education, workforce development and technology transfer on the transportation aspects of livability, focused on small urban and rural areas.


  • David Kack
    David Kack