Statewide Coordinated Transportation Planning (DDPAC)

Project #: 426305
Start Date: 10/01/2001
End Date: 03/31/2003
Status: Completed

This project is designed to produce a handbook that will allow social service agencies and transportation providers a step-by-step plan for coordinating transportation services. WTI will also produce a web-based version of the handbook that will incorporate a search engine, links to related references, and a database of collected information from Montana agencies. This handbook is aimed towards developmental disabilities service providers throughout the state of Montana. The handbook will provide guidance in working with their community, the social service providers, and the transportation providers to coordinate and improve the transportation services available to the developmentally disabled. The process outlined in the handbook will be applicable not only to locally coordinated transportation but also to coordinating transportation between different parts of the state. The desired outcome, once the handbook is developed and local communities choose to implement coordinated transportation with guidance from the handbook, is that, All people with developmental disabilities access affordable, reliable, efficient transportation that effectively meets their needs.


Develop a comprehensive handbook that provides a step-by-step process allowing for social service agencies and local transportation providers to effectively coordinate their transportation services.


  • David Kack
    David Kack