Traffic Records and Performance Measure Support

Project #: 4W5845
Start Date: 09/29/2015
End Date: 03/28/2017
Status: Completed

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) is leading a project sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regarding the performance measures for highway safety grant programs.  The objectives of the overall project are 1) to evaluate the performance of all states with respect to their Highway Safety Plans (HSPs) and twelve core highway safety performance measures and corresponding targets; and 2) to develop recommendations for State traffic records programs that will encourage leadership within State Highway Safety Offices for the effective use of Traffic Safety Information Improvement grant funds.

WTI will provide support on selected tasks for this project, including:

  • Conducting trend and descriptive analysis of core state traffic safety performance measures
  • Analyzing linkages between safety investments made by states and safety outcomes
  • Presenting aggregate finding of other non-core state developed performance measures
  • Conducting state traffic records program environmental scan
  • Developing a data book for the Indian Nations

The purpose of this project is to provide performance measure and traffic records support and analysis for a project to assess state-by-state highway safety performance.


  • Ahmed Al Kaisy
    Ahmed Al Kaisy