Using the Positive Culture Framework to Reduce Distracted Driving in Idaho

Project #: 4W5970
Start Date: 03/29/2016
End Date: 09/30/2018
Status: Completed

According to the Idaho Transportation Department, distracted driving accounted for 22% of all crashes and 21% of all fatalities in Idaho in 2014.  Through this project, the Center for Health and Safety Culture (CHSC) will work with the Idaho Transportation Department to address distracted driving, using the Positive Culture Framework (PCF).  The project will focus on the following populations: workplaces, high schools, and general adults across the state.

Activities will include identifying potential stakeholders who can help with media outreach, developing an evaluation plan, and conducting surveys of high school students and adults to assess the current culture.  From the assessment, message recommendations will be developed to support efforts to eliminate distracted driving.  The messaging campaign will be pilot tested through video ads, radio ads, and static advertising.

CHSC will also develop a toolkit for workplaces to use to reduce distracted driving. The toolkit will be designed to be downloaded from a website and tailored to the needs of each workplace. It will include items such as sample policies, materials to educate employees about distracted driving, and supportive media. The workplace toolkit will be evaluated with a pilot text at Idaho businesses.

Follow-up surveys will be conducted to assess change in beliefs and behaviors.  Recommendations for sustaining the effort in the future and adapting the approach to other traffic safety behaviors will be developed and included in the final report.


The objective of this project is to work with the Idaho Transportation Department to address distracted driving, using the Positive Culture Framework (PCF) to improve health and safety.


  • Jay Otto
    Jay Otto