West Virginia’s Strategic Prevention Framework Partnership for Success, Region 5

Project #: 4W4919
Start Date: 05/01/2014
End Date: 09/30/2016
Status: Completed

The Center for Health and Safety Culture partnered with six regional prevention providers to develop and support implementation of various activities using the Positive Community Norms framework to reduce underage drinking and the misuse of prescription drugs among youth and young adults in West Virginia in collaboration with the state’s Strategic Prevention Framework – Partnerships for Success Project.

The Center uses the Positive Community Norms (PCN) framework – a comprehensive prevention approach which addresses three critical areas – leadership, communication, and the strategic allocation and integration of prevention resources (called prevention portfolio management).

This project focuses on implementing PCN in 12 high-need counties (two counties in each of the six prevention regions). Key activities include capacity building of prevention staff and local coalitions, developing and deploying various tools to assess existing culture, supporting statewide message development, developing tools to grow norms among specific focus audiences including community adults, law enforcement, school staff, parents, students, and healthcare. The project also supports evaluation activities using both quantitative and qualitative methods.



The objective of this project is to support the development and implementation of a Positive Community Norms effort focusing on underage drinking and the misuse of prescription drugs in West Virginia.