Wildlife-Highway Crossing Mitigation Measures & Associated Costs/Benefits: A Toolbox for Montana Department Transportation

Project #: 4W1357
Start Date: 10/01/2006
End Date: 08/31/2007
Status: Completed

Reducing animal-vehicle collisions and improving habitat connectivity for wildlife across roadways are important factors to consider in highway construction or improvement projects for human safety, economic and ecologic reasons. The estimated 725,000 to 1,500,000 collisions between motor vehicles and wildlife result in more than 200 human fatalities, 29,000 human injuries and over 1 billion dollars in property damage in the United States alone each year. In addition, highways can be a movement barrier to many species, causing habitat fragmentation and, sometimes, reduced survival probability for the population concerned. Engineers and biologists have tested a variety of potential solutions to the safety, economic and ecologic conflicts between wildlife and highways. Many years of work have resulted in substantial knowledge about the application and effectiveness of a wide array of mitigation measures deployed worldwide. However, knowing which mitigation measures address a particular problem, and which would be suitable given local circumstances can be challenging. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) has contracted with WTI to provide an overview of mitigation measures that reduce animal-vehicle collisions and allow animals to cross the road safely.


To aid the Montana Department of Transportation with the decision-making process regarding the choice of mitigation structures that reduce animal-vehicle collisions, and provide habitat connectivity for wildlife, for current and future projects.


  • Marcel Huijser
    Marcel Huijser