West Virginia TEAM, Phase 2

Project #: 4W5051
Start Date: 08/10/2014
End Date: 09/30/2016
Status: Completed

The Center for Health and Safety Culture / MOST of Us® at Montana State University is partnering with TEAM For West Virginia Children on the second phase of “Using the PCN Framework to Foster Community Engagement in Improving Childhood in West Virginia.” This project builds on the work initiated in the first phase, which included completing a survey of West Virginia parents. In this second phase, the focus will be to create tools and resources to increase utilization of home visitation services as well as promote positive norms about West Virginia parents.  More specifically, the activities will include:

  • Developing communication tools to increase utilization of HV services
  • Developing a communication toolkit for individual providers to use as they approach local potential referral partners (such as healthcare, education, child care, etc.)
  • Growing positive parenting behaviors by supporting the development of a statewide campaign to grow positive parenting behaviors leveraging the WV Parent Survey

The objective of this project is to create tools and resources to increase utilization of home visitation services as well as promote positive norms about West Virginia parents.


  • Jay Otto
    Jay Otto