WTI Contributes to Kagy Boulevard Redesign Discussions

The City of Bozeman is planning a major reconstruction project for Kagy Boulevard, an arterial street that serves as a principal corridor for accessing the MSU campus (and WTI headquarters).  Several WTI Researchers are actively involved in ensuring that the reconstruction proposals consider the needs of alternative modes of transportation, particularly bicycle and pedestrian users.  On Saturday, a Bozeman Daily Chronicle article about an upcoming public meeting cited a letter by WTI’s Small Urban and Rural Livability Center Director David Kack, which recommended that the reconstruction project include safety measures to protect walkers and bikers.  SURLC staff Rebecca Gleason and Taylor Lonsdale also contribute to campus and community bicycle planning through their work on the MSU Bicycle Master Planning Team and the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board.  The Chronicle article is available here.