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Branch Out Bozeman – Hydrology Layer

Branch Out Bozeman is a formal city-wide initiative to protect and enhance areas of Bozeman’s urban forest that have the greatest impact on water quality. The project is a partnership between the City of Bozeman and the Gallatin Watershed Council and supported by a grant from the National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance […]

Belonging Project

As part of its efforts to improve equity and inclusion, the City of Bozeman is interested in gaining an understanding of what “sense of belonging” means to residents in our community, including the meaning of belonging and the factors that promote or hinder a sense of belonging. The City is especially interested in understanding the […]

Perceptions on Biking on MSU Campus

Cyclist on MSU campus

Biking is part of a multi-modal transportation strategy that has the potential to reduce traffic, alleviate parking pressure, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to healthier lifestyles through active transportation. Despite apparent benefits of biking as a transportation mode, questions remain as to why some people choose the smoke and others do not. Understanding motivations […]

What we know! Communicating public input for the Gallatin Valley Sensitive Lands Protection Plan

The City of Bozeman, county and state government, and non-profit organizations are working together to protect important wildlife habitat, landscapes, and natural systems throughout the Gallatin Valley through the development of a Sensitive Lands Protection Plan, which will include recommendations and actions to help coordinate these efforts as the area grows. Students will learn about […]

City of Bozeman Neighborhoods Program Evaluation

The Program Evaluation course for the Master of Public Administration curriculum sets students up with local public and non-profit organizations to conduct a program evaluation, allowing students to get hands-on learning. A team of students collaborated with the Bozeman Neighborhoods Program to design an evaluation proposal appropriate to the Neighborhoods Program and to collect and […]

Community Storytelling

The City of Bozeman believes that storytelling may be a useful way to involve individuals in community projects, inform decision-making and promote equity. As such, the City is interested in developing a project that allows people to share their stories. To gather stories, the City needs guidance about potential methodological strategies and approaches. Students gathered […]

Development Review Graphic

The student produced public-facing informational graphics on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and the permitting process to help the City communicate with residents about the purpose/benefits of ADUs and the permitting process for adding ADUs.

Bogert Park Usage Report

A report was compiled on Bogert Park usage, which included observation data taken from nine different time periods in the winter and spring. The report highlights popular amenities, modes of travel used to access the park, and suggestions for improvement based on observational data. Report: Bogert Park Observation Report

Public Participation 101

Students learned about public participation efforts through the City of Bozeman and what participation means for residents impacted by growth and development. They became conversant in legal definitions of public participation related to community planning and development and where public participation is outlined in Bozeman’s Unified Development Code and Community Plan. Students then designed public […]

Community Garden Expansion – Recommendations Based on Case Studies

Availability of community garden plots in Bozeman is not keeping up with interest and demand, yet expansion could burden limited city resources. Students explored solutions for expansion of community garden capacity within Bozeman through stakeholder interviews and case studies of comparable communities. Students presented recommendations to the City based on their findings. Final Report Community […]