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Bozeman Intergenerational Community Center

Examples of design renderings

Students in the Community Design Center applied universal design for several scenarios to create an intergenerational community center for the City of Bozeman. The students provided conceptual, schematic design, and presentation documentation for the project.

Urban Development Manual Illustrations

Urban fringe view with open field and grazing deer in the foreground, urban housing and commercial in the mid-ground and mountains with sunrise in the foreground.

Currently, the Bozeman Municipal Code’s Unified Development Code can be incredibly complex and esoteric for members of the public to engage with. This lack of transparency can lead to confusion for private citizens trying to understand laws and bylaws regarding land use and zoning. Students assisted the City in the development of an Urban Development […]

Public perceptions of water resources, stormwater management, and communication: a city-wide survey

Stormwater drain

The purpose of this project was to provide the City of Bozeman Stormwater Division with baseline data of Bozeman residents’ perceptions of water resource challenges, stormwater management and education, and communication preferences.  Students conducted a survey and utilized site observations to document and report on residents’ understanding of water resource issues and stormwater management in […]

Defining Neighborhood Character

• Architecture 523: Issues in City Planning: Participatory Design and Collaborative Planning • Bozeman Neighborhoods Program This project explored ways that Bozeman Neighborhood Associations and other community groups can work with the City of Bozeman to define neighborhood character. New development is intensifying in neighborhoods near the downtown core and the North 7th or “Midtown” corridor. […]

Northeast Neighborhood Association PhotoVoice NE project

• Geography 490R: Undergraduate Research    • Bozeman Neighborhoods Program In August 2019, the Northeast Neighborhood Association (NENA) organized the PhotoVoicesNE project to document the opinions the neighborhood’s residents have towards the neighborhood and its character. The aim of this project was to synthesize and analyze these voices into a concise report that compares residents’ visions for […]

Alternative Futures for Soroptomist Park & Bozeman Creek

• Horticulture 432: Advanced Landscape Design Studio; and • Environmental Science 448: Stream Restoration Ecology • Downtown Bozeman Partnership Student teams applied knowledge and skills for sustainable site design, utilizing SITES strategies and landscape performance metrics to investigate schematic site design scenarios for Soroptomist Park and the adjacent public parking lot and Bozeman Creek. The […]

Off-campus housing environmental health awareness communications

• Environmental Health: Internship • Bozeman Neighborhoods Program The project developed social media and written communications for use by the MSU Dean of Students and Bozeman Neighborhoods Program to raise student awareness of environmental health issues in off-campus housing. Fire Safety Heavy Metals Mold and Mildew Pests Radon Safe Cleaning Well Water

Bozeman Police Department Public Service Announcements

This directed studies project developed short public safety film/media clips to serve as local public service announcements on social media channels for the Bozeman Police Department. Road Safety: Proper Mask Disposal: Good Neighbor: Carbon Monoxide: Bicycle Safety:

Urban Design Manual Inputs

• Geography 365: Geographical Planning< • City of Bozeman Planning Department The City of Bozeman plans to develop an Urban Design Manual interactive website. The manual is meant to be an easy and graphically pleasing explanation of Bozeman’s form-based codes. Students assisted in this process by concisely describing various codes, their requirements, purpose and intent, and […]

Stormwater Pipe Rehabilitation Feasibility Study

• Environmental Engineering 436: Stormwater Management & Engineering • City of Bozeman Stormwater Program The project engaged students in providing technical guidance and feasibility analysis for alternative pipe rehabilitation strategies to inform two unique projects: 1) the downtown trunk line rehabilitation project; and 2) the South Willson Avenue pipe rehabilitation project.  Both projects required an […]