Perceptions on Biking on MSU Campus

Class: Geography
Role: Independant Study
Agency: City of Bozeman
Working Group: Neighborhoods Division

Biking is part of a multi-modal transportation strategy that has the potential to reduce traffic, alleviate parking pressure, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to healthier lifestyles through active transportation. Despite apparent benefits of biking as a transportation mode, questions remain as to why some people choose the smoke and others do not. Understanding motivations and barriers to bike commuting could inform transportation plans and programming. The purpose of this project is to understand how participants in a Q-method workshop sort into typologies (factors) in relation to perceptions of biking on MSU’s campus. The student will produce fact sheets and other communication pieces to explain the method, the workshop, the typologies, and implications and recommendations based on the analysis.

Academic Year/Semester: 2023

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