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Marcel Huijser’s work on Wildlife Crossing Structures featured on Conservation Corridor Website.

An article summarizing results of Marcel Huijser and team’s research on fencing around wildlife crossing structures in western Montana was recently featured on the Conservation Corridor website. “Effectiveness of fencing around wildlife crossings depends on location and length” highlights different management approaches and recommendations that would decrease wildlife-vehicle collisions and provide safe passage of large […]

WTI hosts Summer Workshop for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates

The Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC) held its annual summer Workshop in Bozeman on August 12. Participants and presenters represented multiple organizations including University of Alaska – Fairbanks, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin – Platteville, University of Texas-San Antonio, University of Tennessee – Knoxville, Michigan Tech, KC Harvey Environmental, and […]

Marcel Huijser Guides Chinese Contingent in Netherlands

WTI’s Marcel Huijser attended a conference in Lyon, France last month where he connected with Chinese Academy of Transportation Sciences (CATS) associates. The group later met up in The Netherlands where Marcel provided them with an excursion to a multifunctional wildlife overpass. Natuurbrug Zanderij Crailoo is almost a half mile long (800 meters)and includes a […]

WTI’s Road Ecology work in the Crowsnest Pass in Alberta Canada takes another step forward

WTI’s work in the Crowsnest Pass in Alberta Canada takes another step forward as Alberta Transportation begins wildlife fencing construction at Emerald Lake. WTI, along with partners Miistakis Institute, Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y), Road Watch in the Pass, and other local scientists and citizens have been recording data and advocating for mitigation measures to reduce […]

How do the animals cross the road in Banff National Park?

The Calgary Herald discusses the successes of the 44 wildlife crossing structures along the Trans-Canada Highway in Banff National Park. WTI’s Tony Clevenger provides his expertise.