Doppler Radar Wildlife Detection Systems – Testing Reliability and Effectiveness
Fish Passage Research
Highway Mitigation Opportunities for Wildlife Along Highway 2 Northwestern Montana
Evaluation of Effectiveness and Cost-Benefits of Woolen Roadside Reclamation Products
Highway Mitigation Ensuring Wildlife Connectivity and Improving Human Safety, Hwy 3, BC
Identifying Conservation Corridors and Transboundary Linkage for Wolverines in the Canadian Crown of the Continent Ecosystem
Mapping the Wolverine Way
Former WTI employee, Amanda Hardy, Op-Ed contribution in The New York Times (online).
Amanda Hardy formally employed at WTI in the Road Ecology program shares here opinion “Our Highways’ Toll on Wildlife” in The New York Times (online).
Innovative strategies to reduce the costs of effective wildlife overpasses – Workshop
Rob Ament’s work featured on MSU News
WTI’s Rob Ament interviewed by MSU News Service about roadside vegetation carbon sequestration. “MSU biologist says plants growing along roadways capture carbon, help mitigate auto emissions.“