Evaluating Measures to Minimize Blanding’s Turtle Road Mortality Along Nebraska Highways April 21, 2016
Reliability and Meta-Analyses of the Effectiveness of Animal Detection Systems in Reducing Vehicle Speed and Collisions with Large Mammals October 1, 2015
Sizing Hydraulic Structures in Cold Regions to Balance Fish Passage, Stream Function and Operation and Maintenance Cost October 1, 2015
Capacity Building for MEGD Staff in Relation to Biodiversity and Conservations in the Southern Gobi Desert May 14, 2015
Evaluation of Effectiveness and Cost-Benefits of Woolen Roadside Reclamation Products January 1, 2015
Highway Mitigation Ensuring Wildlife Connectivity and Improving Human Safety, Hwy 3, BC January 1, 2015
Identifying Conservation Corridors and Transboundary Linkage for Wolverines in the Canadian Crown of the Continent Ecosystem December 2, 2014
Innovative strategies to reduce the costs of effective wildlife overpasses – Workshop October 8, 2014
Evaluating wildlife mitigation for Wisconsin State Highway 49 through the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge and State Wildlife Management Area, WI May 1, 2014
Workshop and Technical Support for USFWS, Wildlife Crossings and Wildlife-Surface Transportation Conflicts March 19, 2014