Evaluating Accuracy of RWIS Sensors – Showcase #4

Project #: 426218
Start Date: 07/01/2002
End Date: 09/30/2005
Status: Completed

Detection is a critical component of many intelligent transportation systems (ITS) deployments. For example, vehicle detection may be used for traffic monitoring, traffic operations (such as signals), planning, and other purposes. Weather detection may be used to improve traveler information and enhance maintenance efficiency. Consequently, ineffective detection technology may significantly degrade transportation system performance.While some studies have assessed the relative merits of various detection alternatives, it is not clear what applicability, if any, these results have to rural areas. Documentation of the specific costs and benefits of various detection alternatives in rural areas, supplemented with lessons learned, would be valuable in directing future investment decisions in detector technology.Various vehicle and weather detection technologies have been deployed in the rural California/Oregon Advanced Transportation Systems (COATS) study area. Consequently, there is an opportunity to address some of these gaps in the research literature.


This evaluation effort will compare the operating characteristics of various detection technologies in a ruralenvironment, assess their effectiveness, and providerecommendations for deployment in rural environments.


  • Chris Strong
    Chris Strong