Experimental Assessment of Aggregate Surfacing Materials (an MPART project)

Project #: 4W0839
Start Date: 10/01/2005
End Date: 08/31/2007
Status: Completed

Highway base courses are typically constructed using crushed and processed aggregate. The engineering characteristics of the various base course materials used on Montana highways have not been thoroughly investigated or quantified. Consequently, the designer must rely on experience and habitual practices, which often lead to inconsistencies in design and confusion about aggregate specifications. The permissible gradation range of these materials covers a range of particle sizes, leading to varied performance and characteristics, because particle size distribution, shape, and surface texture can impact the engineering properties. This research will study the engineering characteristics of three aggregate materials used on highway projects by the Montana Department of Transportation.


To conduct an experimental evaluation of the engineering properties and characteristics of three different types of base course aggregates.