Operation and Travel Information Integration Sharing (OTIIS) for North/West Passage – MDT

Project #: 4W4367
Start Date: 02/20/2013
End Date: 12/31/2014
Status: Completed

The North/West Passage corridor travels along I-90 and I-94 from Washington to Wisconsin, passing through eight states and covering nearly 2000 miles. Since 2002, the North/West Passage Corridor Coalition member agencies have worked together to promote safe, efficient, and seamless travel along this major east-west freight and tourism corridor. Building on nearly 10 years of research to share and integrate data among the states, the Coalition partnered with the Western Transportation Institute (WTI) of Montana State University (MSU) and Athey Creek Consultants to develop the Operational and Travel Information Integration Sharing Project (OTIIS). In the first phase of this project the team successfully researched, developed, and tested a technology solution that:

  • Provides commercial and private vehicle drivers with a single, integrated source of information to promote safety and mobility for the entire corridor
  • Provides transportation agencies with information and tools to plan and coordinate operations and incident response activities
  • Investigated how traveler information can modify driver behavior and enhance safety along rural multi-state corridors
  • Utilized Application Programming Interface (API) technologies to leverage and share information to create future platforms for Connected Vehicle applications and sustainable business models
  • Investigated sustainable business models to maintain and operate OTIIS in the future
  • Developed a public education / marketing plan for greater utilization of the Corridor website.

The purpose of this project was to research, develop, and test a technology solution that provides commercial and private vehicle drivers with a single, integrated source of information to promote safety and mobility for a multi-state corridor.