PDA Data Collection Package

Project #: 4W1804
Start Date: 08/17/2007
End Date: 03/31/2011
Status: Completed

The current method of collecting information and preparing reports for ERFO road DSRs, bridge inspections and field surveys is to use a clipboard, paper and digital camera. This work could be streamlined, standardized, and the accuracy of the reports improved if the evaluators were provided a hands-free data collection tool such as a voice-activated, fully integrated wearable computer with built-in camera and software. The goal of this project is to produce such a Personal Data Assistant (PDA) Data Collection Package, including hardware, software and user manuals, for use by the Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) Federal Lands Highway (FLH) divisions, which are key participants in ERFO road assessments, bridge inspections, and which routinely conduct field surveys.


Develop hands-free electronic data collection and reporting equipment and procedures to replace hand-written methods for Emergency Relief for Federally Owned (ERFO) Roads Damage Site Reports (DSRs), bridge inspections and field surveys.


  • Doug Galarus
    Doug Galarus