Road Weather for QuickMap

Project #: 4W4855
Start Date: 04/08/2014
End Date: 06/30/2017
Status: Completed

The focus of this project was to develop, for display in QuickMap, weather layers similar to those shown in the Western States Rural Transportation Consortium (WSRTC) One-Stop-Shop (OSS). Since layers in QuickMap were presented using Keyhole Markup Language (KML), it was desirable that these weather layers also be presented via KML so that they would be be readily usable. The relevant current weather layers in the WSRTC OSS were: Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, 1 Hour Precipitation, 24 Hour Precipitation, Advanced Hydrological Prediction Service 24 Hour Precipitation, and Wind. The relevant forecast weather layers were: Air Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Gust Speed, Humidity, Sky Cover, 12-Hour Chance of Precipitation, 6-Hour Precipitation, Snow, and Weather. All of these layers were developed as KML feeds, which were deployed to prototype and production systems, and maintained throughout the time period covered by this contract. The final report includes illustrations of the maps.


The Caltrans QuickMap was developed by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and presents traveler information via a web interface to travelers within the state. Included are traffic speeds, maintenance and construction information, incidents, changeable message sign messages, camera images and chain control requirements.

The Western States Rural Transportation Consortium (WSRTC) One-Stop-Shop (OSS) prototype was developed through multiple phases and funded by Caltrans, the Western Transportation Institute, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. The WSRTC OSS provides traveler information, including road weather information, covering a four state region that includes California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington. The WSRTC OSS is an extension of the WeatherShare project and was selected as one of several projects to demonstrate the potential of including Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) data via the Clarus Inititive. As such, road weather information has been a key offering of the WSRTC OSS from the beginning, particularly to address the needs of rural travelers.  The WSRTC OSS is presented via a browser-based, Google Maps interface that combines raster and icon/marker overlays to present information to users in a user-friendly, intuitive fashion.

The goal of Road Weather for QuickMap is to develop, either for either external or internal hosting, weather layers similar to what are currently shown in the Western States Rural Transportation Consortium (WSRTC) One-Stop-Shop (OSS). The specific research objectives are to research and develop the system, deploy the system, and maintain the system.


The goal of this project is to develop enhanced road weather layers for the QuickMap travel information interface used by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).