Rocky Mountain National Park Intelligent Transportation System Pilot Deployment/Evaluation

Project #: 4W3467
Start Date: 01/01/2011
End Date: 12/31/2011
Status: Completed

Rocky Mountain National Park (ROMO) is a 400 square mile, mountainous park in northern Colorado, which attracts nearly 3 million visitors each year for hiking, camping, scenic drives, wildlife viewing and other recreational activities. Recently, ROMO received a 2010 Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks (TIP) grant to develop and deploy advanced transportation systems, including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Transportation Demand Management (TDM), to relieve congestion along the Bear Lake Road Corridor. The TIP grant involves a long-term effort to identify, assess and deploy multiple technologies. In the short-term, ROMO is also interested in deploying an ITS strategy that can be implemented quickly and can serve as a pilot study for potential solutions they can research using the 2010 Transit in Parks funds. Through this project, WTI will assist the Park with the implementation of a traveler information system serving visitors who approach the park on the east side (near the town of Estes Park). The system will be designed to help visitors make informed decisions about efficient travel and transportation options within the Park, providing information about the visitor center, park and ride lots, shuttles, and periods of times during the day, week or operating season with less crowding. Researchers will develop a concept of operations for the pilot ITS implementation, recommend specifications and locations for the ITS units, and develop an evaluation plan to measure how effective the technology is in influencing visitor behavior.


The purpose of this project is to help implement and evaluate traveler information technologies on a pilot basis in Rocky Mountain National Park.