Survey of Culture Amongst Groups of Different Transportation Mode Users to Promote Safe Inter- Model Interactions

Project #: 4W6636
Start Date: 04/01/2017
End Date: 01/31/2018
Status: Completed

Bicyclist safety is a growing concern as more adults use this form of transportation for recreation, exercise, and mobility. Most bicyclist fatalities result from a crash with a vehicle, and the behaviors of the driver are often responsible for the crash.  The researchers conducted a survey study of Montana and North Dakota residents and found that prosocial driver behavior was most common and appeared to be intentional. They also found that this intention was increased by positive attitudes, normative perceptions, and perceived control. The findings can be used to develop strategies to increase prosocial intentions and driver behavior, thereby increasing bicyclist safety.


The Journal of Safety Research has published an article by the researchers summarizing the findings of this study: that examines the influence of traffic safety culture on a driver’s behavior when interacting with bicyclists on the roadway.


CITATION: Ward, N. J., Finley, K., Otto, J., Kack, D., Gleason, R., & Lonsdale, T. (2020). Traffic safety culture and prosocial driver behavior for safer vehicle-bicyclist interactions. Journal of Safety Research.


This project examines the influence of traffic safety culture on a driver’s behavior when interacting with bicyclists on the roadway. The Center for Health and Safety Culture will design and implement a survey in Bozeman, MT and Fargo, ND to characterize the traffic safety culture of groups defined by a preferred mode of transportation regarding behavior interactions with other modes that can increase conflicts affecting mode safety. Basic analysis will produce individual summary reports of key results with recommendations for strategies to increase support and engagement in alternative commuting modes.


The objective of this project is to design and implement a survey in Bozeman, MT and Fargo, ND to characterize the traffic safety culture of groups defined by a preferred mode of transportation.


  • Nic Ward
    Nic Ward