Technical Assistance for Rural Transportation Systems: Connecting Rural Transportation with Economic Opportunity (Arkansas)

Project #: 4W7984
Start Date: 09/01/2019
End Date: 07/10/2021
Status: Completed

Through this project, the research team completed a feasibility study for a “Smart” transit hub in the eight-county region. As described in greater detail in the final report, the study developed recommendations for transportation programs that could be implemented over time, including hiring a regional mobility manager, exploring methods to connect more people with rides on the Western Transit System, creating a 5-year transit development plan, and piloting a new transportation program.


The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation will partner with the Small Urban, Rural and Tribal Center on Mobility (SURTCOM) to assist rural communities with passenger transportation projects that enhance economic development initiatives. This collaboration will encompass projects in two locations.  This project will consist of a feasibility study for a “smart” transit hub in western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma.

Recorded webinar: Stakeholder Update – Transportation Needs and Potential Solutions.

A project webinar conducted on September 25, 2020 updated stakeholders of transportation needs and the potential solutions identified for the collaborative implementation of rural transportation options in the study area (western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma).  Three guest speakers with related experience  provided insights on implementing their transportation solutions.  The format provided participants with an opportunity to ask  questions, provide input,  and learn about a follow up workshop and survey.  A recording of the two hour webinar may be found  here: Link to Webinar on YouTube

Webinar Announcement for Smart Transit Hub in Rural Western Arkansas


Recorded webinar: Implementing New Mobility Options in the Region

View recording of webinar:
Webinar cover: Implementing New Mobility Options in the Region

The objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to rural communities for transportation projects.