Western States One-Stop Shop for Rural Traveler Information

Project #: 4W3347
Start Date: 09/24/2010
End Date: 09/23/2011
Status: Completed

Within this project, a website was developed to display Clarus ESS data, along with other information streams such as DOT Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) field elements, CCTV, planned and active closures, incidents, weather sensor readings from non-DOT sources, National Weather Service forecast information, etc. covering all of California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada. The developed product displays weather information for this region in a manner that is easily accessed and understood by users. There remain a number of challenges for subsequent development including optimization of code to support a greater number of prospective users and implementation for further interface elements, particularly to enhance route planning functionality. “Information at a Glance” was achieved in presenting information to users by way of intuitive, graphical displays. User survey results and data provided by Google AnalyticsTM indicated that the website has been well examined and received by users. Based on the work completed during this project, a mechanism to provide travelers with comprehensive weather and highway information across state and jurisdictional boundaries was demonstrated.


Real-time traveler weather information is a valuable tool in maintaining and enhancing both traveler safety and mobility. While this information is available, it is generally scattered over numerous web-based (and sometimes non-web-based) sources, meaning travelers must spend significant amounts of time assembling this information before making a trip. Researchers at the Western Transportation Institute have conducted several projects for Caltrans that integrate weather and traveler data from multiple sources and disseminate the information through different website platforms. These previous efforts have focused on providing information to travelers and agency personnel at a route level. Little work has been performed to extend these systems to cover broad regions or multiple states. This project would develop a user-friendly website displaying multi-state Clarus ESS data, along with other information streams as available, such as DOT Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) field elements, CCTV, planned and active closures, incidents, weather sensor readings from non-DOT sources, and National Weather Service forecast information. Building on previous WTI efforts in California, the region covered would be extended to include all of California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada.


The objective of this project is to create a user-friendly website that integrates and displays weather and road condition information for a four-state region.