WTI News

In the News: NBC Montana Highlights Traffic Calming Project in Ennis
In the small town of Ennis, Montana, local officials and residents are concerned for the safety of pedestrians and motorists on Main Street (US 287), which

New Facility Ready for Fish Passage Studies
Researchers in Montana have a new tool for designing fish passage structures that meet the needs of both fish and agricultural producers. A feature article by

In the News: 60 Minutes Highlights Grizzly Bear Research in Montana
On October 11, the CBS News Show 60 Minutes aired an in-depth feature story on grizzly bears in Montana and the impacts of the growing populations

On the Air: Podcast Digs into Snow and Ice Topics
Winter is coming – Did you know that the Snow and Ice Pooled Fund Cooperative Program (SICOP) offers a podcast “devoted to all things winter maintenance”?

MSU News Highlights Upcoming Webinar on Workforce Development
The West Region Transportation Workforce Center (WRTWC), which is based at WTI, will host a webinar on October 7 (11 am Mountain Time), which will focus

Transportation Research Board Highlights WTI’s Severe Weather Index Project
WTI has completed a project to create a severe weather index for the Maryland Department of Transportation, and the final report was featured in a recent

Distinctly Montana Explores the Future of Transportation with Ahmed Al-Kaisy
In its Fall 2020 issue, Distinctly Montana continued its series of articles on “Montana in 30 Years.” To explore the topic of transportation, the magazine interviewed

MSU Homecoming — WTI Enters Two “Floats” in Virtual Parade
Here at Montana State University, the university just finished celebrating Homecoming Week. Actually – due to current health precautions – it was “Stay HOME-coming” Week. Nonetheless,

WRTWC Will Kick Off Webinar Series on Transportation Workforce Development
MSU Speakers will highlight successful program offering professional development and career exposure to university students How do we inspire the next generation of transportation professionals and

New Project: Conserving Monarch Butterfly Habitats Along Idaho Highways
Researchers from the Montana State University Ecology Department and WTI’s Road Ecology program will investigate the roadside habitats of monarch butterflies in Idaho, as part of

Time for Kids Introduces Wildlife Crossings to Young Students
WTI Road Ecologist Rob Ament is featured in a recent issue of Time Magazine for Kids. A feature article called “Safe Travels” describes the large number

MSU Research Expenditures Hit an All-time High
Congratulations to Montana State University (MSU), for achieving a record high level of research expenditures for 2019-20. The total of $167 million represents an 8% increase

National Safety Council Selects Safety Center as Finalist for Green Cross Award
Congratulations to the National Center for Rural Road Safety, which was recently named as one of three finalists in the country for the 2020 Green Cross

Will Passenger Rail Return to Southern Montana? Join the Conversation on Sept. 17!
Passenger rail service through southern Montana ended 41 years ago, and now advocates across the state are working to bring it back. Interested in learning more?

New Publication: Safe Interactions Between Vehicles and Bicyclists
The Journal of Safety Research has published an article that examines the influence of traffic safety culture on a driver’s behavior when interacting with bicyclists on

Save the Date: Rural Road Safety Awareness Week
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is proud to announce the inaugural Rural Road Safety Awareness Week (RRSAW), which will take place the week of
NEW PROJECT: WTI to Conduct Transit Study for Humboldt County, CA
WTI recently launched a new project to conduct a transit study in Humboldt County, a coastal county in northern California. The goal is to provide the

WTI Co-hosts National Event on Rural Transportation Safety
On Wednesday, August 12, the Western Transportation Institute (WTI), Montana State University (MSU), and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) co-hosted a national forum to

STUDENT NEWS: MSU ITE Student Chapter Honored at Annual Meeting
The Montana State University (MSU) Student Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) has worked hard in recent years to grow its membership and its

Rural Road Safety Summit – Registration Now Open!
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is excited to announce that the Third National Summit on Rural Road Safety will take place September 29 –

Student News: Meet our summer intern
2020 will always be remembered as the year we all worked remotely – even our summer interns! WTI is pleased to welcome Jonathan Fisher, who is

Technology Transfer News: New Mexico DOT Funds Culvert Assessments from WTI Study
WTI research is being put into practice! The New Mexico Department of Transportation has approved a $500,000 project to develop and implement a culvert assessment management

In the News: Washington Post Interviews WTI Road Ecologist on Reductions in Wildlife Vehicle Collisions
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the Washington Post is reporting on a wide range of impacts, including the effects on wildlife. In a recent feature, “Pandemic
New Publication: Guidelines for Conserving Connectivity
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has released Guidelines for Conserving Connectivity through Ecological Networks and Corridors, an international resource with best practices

David Kack named WTI Director
Last week, Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering (NACOE) Dean, Brett Gunnink, named David Kack as Director of WTI. David has served as Interim Director since last

Catching Up with the Fellows
The placement year for the Class of 2019-2020 Public Land Transportation Fellows (PLTF) is drawing to a close. Over the last three weeks, Naomi Fireman, Nate

Look What’s Popping Up in Bozeman
On Saturday, May 2, WTI and the City of Bozeman teamed up to assemble pop-up calming installations in a West Bozeman neighborhood on Yellowstone Avenue. Staff

Why did the bear cross the road? Because he had it all to himself
Discover Magazine Interviews WTI Researcher about Wildlife Behavior during Pandemic Humans are staying home more and traveling less during the current COVID-19 restrictions. What does that

FoRRRwD Webinars continue on May 12
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is co-sponsoring a series of webinars with FHWA and NLTAPA on the Every Day Counts round five (EDC-5) initiative,

New Project will Explore Technology Applications for Rural Areas
WTI researchers Natalie Villwock-Witte, Karalyn Clouser, Jaime Sullivan, and David Kack have embarked on an FHWA task order project to explore the relationship between socio-economics, infrastructure,

WEBINAR: Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD)
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is co-sponsoring a webinar with FHWA and NLTAPA on the Every Day Counts round five (EDC-5) initiative, “Focus on

WEBINAR: Reducing Disparities between Rural and Urban Seatbelt Use
On April 22, 2020, at 1 pm (Mountain Time), CHSC will present “Together for Life Utah: Reducing Disparities Between Urban and Rural Seat Belt Use Rates.”

Big Turnout for Webinar on Traffic Safety Culture Messaging
On March 25, Center for Health and Safety Culture Director Nic Ward led a webinar for the National Center for Rural Road Safety on “Traffic Safety

Road Ecologist Helps Launch Wednesday Webinars
The Society for Ecological Restoration has started a “Wednesday Webinar” series to promote information sharing and professional development in response to conference cancellations. One of the

“Rural Matters” at Commute.com
On April 1, Education and Workforce Program Manager Susan Gallagher presented at CommuteCon2020, a virtual gathering of national experts exploring issues related to the “science of

Message from the Director: Our Research and Work Continues
Greetings from WTI! To staff, research partners, and friends of WTI who read our newsletter, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. During this

LTAP Director Named to TRB Low Volume Roads Committee
Matt Ulberg, director of Montana’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), has been named to the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Low-Volume Roads — AFB30.

Do You Know a Good Candidate for the Public Lands Transportation Fellows Program?
The application process for the 2020 Public Lands Transportation Fellows (PLTF) Class is now open!! The PLTF program provides fellowships to recent graduates (sometimes current graduate

CHSC Grad Student Competes in Finals of Thesis Competition
Congratulations to Jubaer Ahmed, who was one of seven finalists in the “Three Minute Thesis” Competition hosted by the Montana State University College of Engineering. On

Winter Maintenance in the News
Winter’s not over yet (especially here in Montana), so winter maintenance is still a hot topic in the national media. In February, Next City published an

Upcoming Webinar: Traffic Safety Culture Messaging
The National Center for Rural Road Safety will offer a free webinar on Wednesday, March 25 on “Traffic Safety Culture Messaging.” It will feature information on

Project News: California Site Selected for First FRP Wildlife Crossing in North America
WTI Researchers are collaborating on a research project to develop, implement and evaluate a wildlife crossing structure made of Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs), a strong but lightweight

New Staff at LTAP
Welcome to Melissa Schaak, who recently joined the Montana Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) as a Program Coordinator II. Melissa will manage the LTAP main office,

Road Ecology in the News
The Revelator interviewed WTI Research Scientist Tony Clevenger for the article “Road to Nowhere: Highways Pose Existential Threat to Wolverines.” The interview primarily focuses on Tony’s
WEBINAR: Unpaving Guide
The National Center for Rural Road Safety Center is hosting a FREE, 1.5-hour online webinar, which will feature information on converting distressed paved roads to engineered

WRTWC Releases “Playbook” for Launching University-Public Agency Partnerships
The West Region Transportation Workforce Center has released the University Partnership Playbook, a step-by-step guide for creating multi-project collaborations between public agencies and universities. The collaborations

MSU Undergrads Assisting with Safety Center Research
Welcome to Andy Merkel and Maddy Pernat, who are new undergraduate research assistants at WTI. By supporting projects conducted by the National Center for Rural Road

CHSC Announces March Webinar
The Center for Health and Safety Culture (CHSC) has announced a new webinar for March, entitled “The Center for Health and Safety Culture: Who We Are

PROJECT NEWS: Just a short train ride from D.C.
After the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., Laura Fay (left), Karalyn Clouser (right), and Natalie Villwock-Witte traveled on to Maryland to meet with the Maryland