Documenting the Experience and Knowledge of Practitioners, Researchers, and Managers with the Implementation of Measures along Roads for Mojave Desert Tortoise

Project #: 4W8966
Start Date: 01/01/2021
End Date: 09/30/2024
Status: Current

This project focuses on the Mojave desert tortoise, which is listed as a threatened species by the US Fish and Wildlife Service . The major threats to this species include habitat loss, habitat degradation, and habitat fragmentation from urbanization, off- highway vehicle use in the desert, and other factors. Specifically, paved roads and vehicles cause direct road mortality, represent a barrier in the landscape, and result in reduced presence in the region surrounding roads.

This project focuses on documenting the experiences and knowledge of practitioners, researchers, and managers with the funding, planning, design, implementation, and the investigation of the effectiveness of measures taken to avoid, mitigate or compensate for the effects of roads and traffic on the Mojave desert tortoise. These measures are focused on limiting habitat loss due to roads, reducing direct road mortality, reducing the barrier effect of roads and traffic, improving habitat quality, and allow recolonization of zones adjacent to roads, and restoring habitat elsewhere. By making this information available to stakeholders, more successful road mitigation measures may be implemented.

Information will be documented through a literature review and field reviews. The information will be presented at a desert tortoise workshop for stakeholders.


The purpose of this project is to make information available to stakeholders (practitioners, researchers, and managers) on the factors that contribute to the successful implementation of measures taken to avoid, mitigate or compensate for the effects of roads and traffic on the Mojave desert tortoise.