WTI is starting a new collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide a range of services that will assist with current and emerging transportation challenges in USFWS units and other federal land agencies. The project will encompass a number of individual tasks, including road ecology site visits at USFWS units and fish hatcheries, technology transfer initiatives to educate transportation and resource professionals about innovative wildlife crossings (ARC Solutions), development and dissemination of resources for the Federal Lands Transportation Institute website, a study of the transportation preferences of Millennials for visiting USFWS units, and placement of Transportation Scholars at USFWS units. “We’re excited to establish this ongoing partnership with USFWS,” said WTI Director and Principal Investigator Steve Albert; “we’re glad that USFWS shares our interest in issues like alternative transportation, wildlife crossings, and fish passage, and we look forward to working with them to enhance transportation and preserve resources in public lands.”
The objective of this project is to provide a range of services to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that will assist with current and emerging transportation challenges in USFWS units and other federal land agencies.
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