WTI News
Montana State’s WTI awarded $6.4 million by federal Transportation Department for workforce development
MSU News Service; Skip Anderson October 30, 2024 BOZEMAN — The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University a

Cutting-Edge Technology and Practical Solutions for Rural ITS Challenges: Highlights from the 19th Annual Western States Forum
The 19th Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum (the Western States Forum or WSF), held in June in Yreka, California, focused on advancing Rural ITS
MDT Announces WTI-led Project as Winner of AASHTO High Value Research
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) announced a research project they nominated, the “Effectiveness of Highway Safety Public Education at Montana Motor Vehicle Registration Stations by

Transportation Problem Solving Launches Careers in Federal Service
Two Public Lands Transportation Fellows earn permanent positions in the National Park Service after completing internships The Public Lands Transportation Fellows (PLTF) program offers emerging transportation

New Grant Will Engage Students in Community Place-Making around the Bozeman ‘M’
Course-based collaboration will connect MSU students with trail users, local history, indigenous perspectives, and ecological consideration at Bozeman’s most popular trail. Students will explore various questions

Kelvin Wang Officially Receives the 2024 James Laurie Prize
The prize celebrates Wang’s pioneering work in 3D laser imaging of pavements and bridges In February 2024, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Transportation and

WTI Well Represented at TRB 2024
WTI Employees Continue to Make Headway as TRB Committee Chairs In the December 2022 issue of Newswire, we introduced you to three highly accomplished WTI researchers

Public Lands Transportation Fellows Explore Federal Opportunities, Meet, and Present at TRB 2024
The Public Lands Transportation Fellows (PLTF) program is a collaboration between WTI, the National Park Service, and the US Fish & Wildlife Service, that provides outstanding
Professional Capacity Building for Communications Project Made Lasting Impact
Students from Caltrans Districts 6 and 10 work on a design for retrofitting an existing 15-year-old Class 1 TMC data center into a Class 3 data

WTI Road Ecologists Engage with MSU Students
Last month, WTI road ecologists Marcel Huijser and Mat Bell participated in Montana State University’s (MSU) inaugural Undergraduate Research Fair, where they introduced students to WTI

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum
The Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum is now seeking abstracts for the 19th Annual Forum, which will be held on June 18-20, 2024, in Yreka, California.
WTI Schedule for TRB 2024
We look forward to seeing you in person at the following WTI-involved events. Events shown have either a WTI employee presiding or presenting, or are co-sponsored

WTI Road Ecologist Publishes Thesis in Transportation Safety and Environment
Mathew Bell has published his master’s thesis, coauthored with Yiyi Wang and Rob Ament, on mitigating imbalanced wildlife-vehicle collision data using the SMOTE technique. Abstract: Wildlife-vehicle
WTI Employees Recognized for Years of Service
Every October, Montana State University hosts the Milestones in Service Award banquet to recognize employees who reached five-year employment increments during the previous fiscal year. This

End of an Era as COATS Project Draws to a Close
After twenty-five years and eight phases, the California Oregon Advanced Transportation Systems (COATS) project drew to a close this year, marking an end to an era. Sharing

Natalie Villwock-Witte Presents at 2023 AASHTO
Natalie Villwock-Witte presented a poster at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 2023 Safety Summit in Kansas City, October 17-19. The event brought
Rob Ament Retires After 18 Years with WTI
We are both sad and honored to announce that Rob Ament has retired after 18 years with WTI. Rob is one of the early pioneers of our Road Ecology

Week-long Summer Camp Introduces Kids to Transportation Planning
In August, twenty-four Montana middle school students participated in WTI’s weeklong Summer Transportation Camp, held at Salish Kootenai College (SKC) in Pablo, Montana. The camp introduced

Active Commuting Options Abound for Bozeman’s Elementary Schoolers
An ongoing collaboration between WTI, the City of Bozeman, and three Bozeman elementary schools is ensuring children develop valuable bike and walking skillsets, while also enjoying

New Study Identifies Potential Animal Highway Crossing Locations Across Western U.S.
Increasingly busy highways and fragmented habitats have boosted the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVCs) in the U.S. each year. Dangerous to both animals and humans, these

MSU Graduate Investigates Presence of Monarch Butterflies and Other Pollinators in Roadside Habitats
Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus), the striking and iconic orange and black insects of postcards and motivational posters, have been in population decline since the 1980s and

Welcome to New Student Employee, Nathan Harriet!
Please join us in welcoming WTI’s newest student employee, Nathan Harriet, a senior at Montana State University and a native of Billings, Montana. Inspired by his

WTI Director Plans Research Expansion
As I am entering the second month as WTI director, I have learned a lot about the organization, Montana, and the rural transportation improvements needed in
18th Annual Western States Forum a Success
The Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum(the Western States Forum or WSF) continued the tradition of success at its 18th annual event in June. Designed

David Kack Hands WTI Director Role to Kelvin Wang
A word from our staff: As Montana State University prepares for the start of the Fall semester, August is also bringing change to WTI as we
New IUNC Report from Rob Ament and Tony Clevenger
Rob Ament, the Road Ecology Program Manager at WTI, Dr. Tony Clevenger, a WTI Senior Research Scientist, and their colleague Dr. Rodney van der Ree of

Montana LTAP Hits the Ground Running
Montana LTAP has been hitting the roads hard this summer. Director Matt Ulberg and Field Trainer Shawna Page have conducted a variety of trainings in Lewistown,
Project Co-Led by Laura Fay Wins AASHTO Award
WTI is proud to announce that a National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), WTI, and Aurora Pooled Fund study relating weather conditions and roadway friction measurements
WTI Road Ecologists to Present at National and International Conferences
June is a busy month for WTI’s road ecologists; Mat Bell, Dr. Marcel Huijser, and Rob Ament will be giving poster presentations and serving expert panelists
RET Participants Showcase Project-based Lesson at ITEEA
Two alumni of WTI’s Research Experience for Teachers in Innovative Transportation Systems (ITS-RET) program were invited to share their RET project-based classroom unit at the STEM
WTI’s Dr. Marcel Huijser Awarded Y2Y Funding for Grizzly Bear Research
WTI’s Dr. Marcel Huijser received funds from the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) to support continued grizzly bear research along US Hwy 93 North on
WTI’s CATS program joins international EPIC-Network
We are pleased to announce that WTI’s Community-engaged and Transformational Scholarship (CATS) program is now a member of the Education Partnership for Innovation in Communities Network

Y2Y recently contributed funds to continue the monitoring of wildlife underpasses along US Hwy 93 on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana. The monitoring is especially

WTI Researchers Improving Roadway Safety in Big Sky
Work is moving forward on a collaborative project between WTI and Big Sky Community Organization (BSCO) on an Ousel Falls Road traffic calming and place-making project.
IN THE NEWS: WTI Researcher Plans Traffic Calming Project in Big Sky, TPF-5 Sparking Public Interest
Matt Madsen Interviewed in Explore Big Sky WTI Researcher Matt Madsen, along with the Big Sky Community Organization (BSCO), is spearheading a traffic calming project in
BREAKING NEWS: Animals Gather Amid World-Wide Roadway Protests
Collective Calls for Humans to “Share the Road” By Mike Price Field Correspondent In a shocking turn of events, animals worldwide have taken to roadways, creating massive blockades
International Transportation Pooled Fund Study Published: Findings Will Help Reduce Wildlife Collisions, Increase Habitat Connectivity, and Implement Cost Effective Solutions
Resources from a first-of-its-kind road ecology study are now available on the web through the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University (MSU). The Wildlife Vehicle
CATS Faculty Participant Receives Well-Deserved Recognition
WTI’s Community-engaged and Transformational Scholarship (CATS) program fosters course-based project partnerships between MSU faculty and students and public agencies or other community-based organizations. CATS provides a framework
IN THE NEWS: WTI Road Ecologists Interviewed for University of Montana Podcast, Highlighted in Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Dr. Marcel Huijser Interviewed on A New Angle Podcast WTI’s Dr. Marcel Huijser shared his story during an interview on A New Angle, a UM podcast
WTI Employees Share First-Time TRB Experiences
Two of WTI’s newest employees attended their first Transportation Research Board (TRB) conference in January, 2022. We asked them to share their experiences. Jen MacFarlane: This
A Note from Our Director: Welcome, 2023!
Hello readers, and welcome to 2023. Like many of you, WTI had a busy January, kicking off the new year at the 2023 Transportation Research Board
IN THE NEWS: GoGallatin Program Manager on Potential for Ride-Share Partnership, WTI Road Ecology Manager on Benefits of Wildlife Crossings
GoGallatin Program Manager Highlighted in Mass Transit Magazine Earlier this month, WTI Research Associate Matthew Madsen discussed the role of trip planning in a Mass Transit
WTI Schedule for the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting
Many of WTI’s employees will attend the 2023 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (January 8-12, Washington, D.C.) to participate in an international collaboration and ideas
IN THE NEWS: WTI Road Ecology Program Manager: Montreal Presentation Featured in International News Service
WTI’s Road Ecology Program Manager, Rob Ament, participated in a half-day event, held on the side of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Global Biodiversity Framework meetings
WTI Part of $2.25M Tribal Transport Effort
As part of a consortium that was recently awarded up to $2.25 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation, WTI will provide transportation outreach and technical
WTI Employees Take the Lead in Transportation as TRB Chairs
This January, three WTI researchers will have the honor and responsibility of presiding over committees they chair at the 2023 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting
PLT Fellow to Present NPS Transportation Research
Charlie Gould (B.A., History), a Public Lands Transportation Research Fellow (PLTF), will give his final presentation on innovative and emerging mobility technologies in National Parks on
UTCs – TCUs Exchange Ideas at Albuquerque Summit
The Small Urban, Rural and Tribal Center on Mobility (SURTCOM) hosted a University Transportation Center (UTC) -Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) Summit in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
PROJECT NEWS: WTI Researchers Demystify the Salt Phase Diagram
Road salt, most often sodium chloride (NaCl) melts ice and is a crucial tool for winter maintenance crews around the world. However, the constant application of
PROJECT News: Scan of Communities with Fewer than 10,000 People finds Biking/Walking to be “Wheelie” Popular
Walking and bicycling have become increasingly popular transportation modes as people consider the positive impacts of active living. While there are examples of large, urban areas