Identification of the Patterns and Processes that Result in Highway Accidents Involving Elk: Informing the Design of Effective Mitigation Strategies in Areas Where Elk is a Dominant Species April 22, 2020
Improving Connectivity: Innovative Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Structures for Wildlife, Bicyclists, and/or Pedestrians July 1, 2019
Wildlife Vehicle Collision (WVC) Reduction and Habitat Connectivity, Task 1 – Cost Effective Solutions December 18, 2018
Highway Passages for Small Terrestrial Wildlife – Summary and Repository of Design Examples April 26, 2018
Modifying Denil Fishways to Optimize Arctic Grayling Passage in Water-Limited Settings January 1, 2017
Effectiveness of Nighttime Speed Limit Reduction in Reducing Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions December 5, 2016
Outreach and Technology Transfer on the Effectiveness of Wildlife Fences and Wildlife Crossing Structures in a Mult-Functional Landscape October 6, 2016
Mapping the Wolverine Way: Identifying Conservation Corridors and Transboundary Linkages in the Canadian Crown of the Continent Region October 6, 2016